
Owl Photography – How to catch one in broad daylight

Owls are the most picture perfect birds around. They are commonly known as night birds and hence the misconception that they cannot be spotted in daytime.

Few facts about owl

  • Owls are localized. They have a favorite tree and mostly be around it.
  • They are short distance fliers. They might hop onto another neighboring tree.
  • Owls have to feed on insects on ground. Snails, worms and maybe small birds and snakes are also part of their diet.
  • Their familiar screeching sound is most active late evening or twilight hours.
  • While feeding on ground, at the slightest hint of trouble they fly to a tree.

Make your plans

Night photography is ruled out. For that you need specialized equipment and good tracking skills. Telephoto lens is a must. Burst mode recommended. You can go with aperture priority. Central single focus point will go a long way to get those sharp eyes staring straight back.

An owl will be present where there is a sufficient supply of food. They are not exactly the dense jungle types. Once you figure out their location, reach there in the evening to find out where their fav trees are. Go back to that place in the daytime again. Start looking over the ground for the feeding owls. As soon as an owl spots you coming closer, it will fly to a tree.

Owls feel very secure on a tree. They are well camouflaged and stay very still. But their sharp eyes are seeing you. Try not to get too close. The telephoto lens is a big help here. Focus on the eyes and shoot away.

Alternatively you can stand still near a tree and scan each branch one by one. You will be sure to spot one.

Do you have enough pictures already. See I posed enough. Now go and leave me in peace.

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